

zaKLee is a multidisciplinary Artist, Designer, and Creative. Their Art fits into the abstract with Photography, Videography, Music, and painting, all embodying a style of extreme richness.

zaKLee is currently learning the jewelry craft through an apprenticeship program in Brooklyn, NYC. They are currently open for Design projects, Art installations, and Creative Consulting/Coaching.

  • zaKLee started their creative endeavors while attending college in Charlotte, NC. Producing music and recording local artists in makeshift dorm room studios.

  • During the pandemic, they would go on to pick up a camera and document their experiences in deserted college campuses. Soon Dorm Room Studios become recording facilities and empty campuses turned to documenting the stories of local artists.

  • This work would be done under the name C.E.D.E Design in an effort to blatantly bring out-of-the-box ideas to media, design, and sculpture.


The folowing videos document the zaKLee's major projects in painting and design, including motifs of functionality, expression, and boundry pushing.

The SummerStock Flower

The Earth Room at Wealthy

Dalmation Table

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